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This is a 45MB, medium-res, RGB PDF, not suitable for printing. It's for on-screen viewing. Links are live, including the TOC, some chapter dividers, the index, and company website URLs. You're welcome to download it as long as it's not for sale or trade. Please don't share the PDF; if you give folks the link then we'll be able to track views...which could help us with funding for next year's annual. Thanks!
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This is a 136MB, CMYK, 300dpi PDF with crop marks and bleeds. This option is provided for those who wish to print a favorite page or two. (You can legally print the entire book...as long as it's not for sale or for trade...but it'll cost $80+.) This PDF is designed to fit comfortably on 8.5" x 11" paper. The glossier the paper, the better the color will likely look. Office Max in Seattle runs a bit cheaper than FedEx and will give you a better print quality.
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If you'd like a printed version of the book, you can have Amazon.com print one for you. It'll run you $30+tax and shipping. This is their CreateSpace paper and print quality. Velocity Dance Center in Seattle has kindly offered to keep a desk copy for those who would like to take a look at it before buying it. Velocity will get their copy at the end of May.
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This is a 7MB, minimum-res, RGB PDF not really suitable for anything but showing someone your favorite page on your mobile phone. Or, if you have a slow internet connection, this will be your fastest bet. Links are live, including the TOC, some chapter dividers, the index, and company website URLs.
Who's in the book?
Companies, Presenting Venues & Festivals
Errata & Additions
Was your dance company, festival, presenting venue, or photography company information left out of the Annual? Please send me the information listed here so that we can include your information in the additions list below.
What follows is a list of corrections to the Seattle Dance Annual 2013.
No corrections so far.
Additions (last updated on August 5, 2014)
Photographer: Michelle Bates of Michelle Bates Photography. You can see her fab photos of Lelavision on their company page, on Michael Upchurch's highlights page, and as a splash photo in the photographers credits section. Info/contact: www.michellebates.net / michelle[at]michellebates.net
Company: TO | GET | HER (formerly Spaghetti CO.). Alice Gosti, Artistic Director, Choreographer, Performer. 14 performances in Seattle: the unbreakable one, the unbreakable ones, AJA-the A is silent - Slugs do it real slow and pretty (created with Anh Nguyen and Jessica Robinson), I always wanted to give you a pink elephant, Don't tell me what to do, I will follow you - deep sea baby, Workout Fridays, DUIT. 13 dancers: Eric Eugene Aguilar, Alyza DelPan-Monley, Ryan Law, Jan Trumbauer, Alicia Mullikin, Hallie Scott, Anh Nguyen, Devin McDermott, Sean Tomerlin, Amy Ross, Quinn Franzen, Tyler P. Wardwell, Jessica Robinson. Website: www.gostia.com.
Company: Kaleidoscope Dance Company. Anna Mansbridge, Director. Website: www.creativedance.org
Company: Catapult Dance. Michele Miller, Artistic Director. 2 performances in Seattle: at Boost Dance Festival, at Carla and Jerusha Benefit. Info/contact: Michele Miller at halfmoonpilates[at]mac.com. Website to come.
Festival: Dance Festival // Yellow Fish // Epic Durational Performance Festival. 14 days. 11 durational performances (min. 1 hour; max. 48 hours). 11 Performers : Alice Gosti, Eric Aguilar, Tyler P. Wardwell, Reilly Sinanan, Devin McDermott, Shannon Stewart, Spike Friedman, Vanessa DeWolf, Sean Tomerlin, Ryan Law, Takahiro Yamamoto. Began presentIng: 2013. Website: www.gostia.com/the-festival.
Interested in working on the next issue?
It's not clear yet whether there will be a Seattle Dance Annual 2014. That will be decided after an open meeting in late September. Check back here in mid-August for the date, time, and place of that meeting.
About the Seattle Dance Annual
Hi. My name is Rosie Gaynor, and I put this Annual together. Why? When I started working on Seattle Opera publications years ago as an editor, I had so much fun, and I dreamed of someday creating books about the arts. Of course I had to start with dance! I love dance; I danced as a kid in Milan and Minnesota, and I've written about dance for several years. For this first book, I wanted to show that Seattle's dance scene is more than just the few dancers and companies who make national headlines. I truly enjoy those national dance darlings, and I've written about them myself, but Seattle has other talented and inspired dancers as well, and I wanted there to be a place for them to be recognized nationally too.
I know the organizations shown in this book represent the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous individual dancers performing here, not necessarily with any one company. There are folk dance companies, social-dance organizations, crews, and more that I was not able to reach this first time around. My hope is that if there is an annual next year, they'll be included somehow.
The Seattle Dance Annual 2013 website will be live through April 2014 at least.
This year's annual is dedicated to Kaori Nakamura, a principal dancer at Pacific Northwest Ballet, who is retiring from the company in June.
Contact Info
Hi! My name is Rosie Gaynor. I work at the Seattle Scriptorium. I edited and designed Seattle Dance Annual 2013. If you have questions or comments, you can reach me at seattledanceannual[at]gmail.com.
If your company was left out of the Annual—my apologies!—and please send me the information listed here. Thanks!