Left Out? Please send the following info to seattledanceannual[at]gmail.com

Dance Companies

The following information might be published so please do not include personal information.
  1. Company name
  2. Company website
  3. Company contact (email address)
  4. In what city is your company located?
  5. Did your company perform dance in Seattle in 2013? (yes/no)

The following information is required but will not be published.
  1. Your name
  2. Your connection to (or role with) the company
  3. Your email address (OK if same as company contact)
  4. Would you like me to share all of the above information with SeattleDances.com so that they can consider posting your company name and website in their directory? (yes/no)


  1. Your name
  2. Company name (if applicable)
  3. Email address (this is for publication)
  4. Website URL
  5. Secondary website URL (if applicable)
  6. Did you photograph dance in Seattle in 2013? (yes/no)