Left Out? Please send the following info to seattledanceannual[at]gmail.com
Dance Companies
The following information might be published so please do not include personal information.
- Company name
- Company website
- Company contact (email address)
- In what city is your company located?
- Did your company perform dance in Seattle in 2013? (yes/no)
The following information is required but will not be published.
- Your name
- Your connection to (or role with) the company
- Your email address (OK if same as company contact)
- Would you like me to share all of the above information with SeattleDances.com so that they can consider posting your company name and website in their directory? (yes/no)
- Your name
- Company name (if applicable)
- Email address (this is for publication)
- Website URL
- Secondary website URL (if applicable)
- Did you photograph dance in Seattle in 2013? (yes/no)